Inlays / Onlays in Clearwater FL
Do you want a more conservative approach instead of aggressive crown procedure? Inlays / Onlays may be your answer. Call for a consolation today at Healthy Body Dental off US Highway 19N and Enterprise in Clearwater fL.
The Benefits of using a Conservative Approach…
In certain cases, inlays and onlays are a conservative alternative to full coverage dental crowns. Dr. Adams believes in being minimally invasive, that means preserving as much natural tooth as possible. An Inlay/Onlay is fabricated in the lab to precisely fit and replace exactly that portion of the tooth that was lost due to decay or breaking. Properly done they can often be used instead of more aggressive crown procedure, offering a well-fitting, stronger, longer lasting reparative solution to tooth decay or similar damage. These restorations are beneficial from both an esthetic and functional point of view, with much less trauma to the rest of the tooth. I like that!
Dr. Adams,
Please allow me to thank you, for your professional knowledge, and caring attitude. Not once during this whole process have I been uncomfortable or even felt pain. Your exact explanations, prior to each step gave me confidence in how you perform your work, with the perfectionist you demand of how the results turn out. Having explained the previous dental misadventures in my life, increases my gratitude for your abilities. Thank you seems so little to say, for the gift of smiles you’ve given me.
With Appreciation – Bonnie M. You’re a #1 Dentist of all time
Dr. Adams,
Just a note to express my appreciation for your services- type, manner & approach of your treatment, as well as for your extending yourself to attend to my dental needs. I hope I will find similar dental services here in Lake Charles. Regards to the staff