“All Things in Moderation”

Cosmetic Dentistry Clearwater FL

“All things in moderation” my grandfather used to say when he was my age. My version would be “Most things possible in moderation” maybe, growing old gracefully is a task. When growing old is not a definite. I do consider the consequences of my decisions and actions most of the time now. I have taken the position that I want to feel as good and be as good as possible as long as possible. My friends all feel the same.   The world seems to be traveling faster and faster and the availability of information is mind boggling. The sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. Decision making is not straight forward or simple, the same is true in the field of health.

Never before has mankind had so much access to such diversity of lifestyle and health options, it can be downright confusing. The field of dentistry is no different. A skilled dental practioner can literally reverse the effects of aging even improving smiles and functions of the mouth to better than it was. The use of dental implants, lasers and new superior porcelains are ready available.   Minimally invasive procedures are used to reverse loss in teeth and gums. It is nothing to short of amazing. The days of using materials and techniques now known to be harmful or down right toxic in oral health should be over. However they are not. Like everything else, politics, bias and tradition, and even greed can slow down the process of change. There are superior materials which are not toxic and that do not crack the teeth. Certainly when one considerers all things, mercury / silver fillings are not cheap, if all health issues are addressed.

It is time that all health care clinicians consider the total body health when treating patients in their specialties. You cannot separate oral disease and heart disease – they effect each other. Most chronic degenerative diseases we see today are the result of inflammation. Emotional stress, processed foods, lifestyles, and toxins are at the center of the inflammatory cycles that cause the diseases today which diminish and even kill us.

At Healthy Body Dental we consider it all. Systemic disease must be considered in most treatment of oral disease and the reverse is also true. We will work with our patients health care providers to optimize the patient’s total health. We consider everything about the individual patient before we recommend any treatment.   It would be rare for two patients to have the same health plan. There are many variables to consider. At Healthy Body Dental people have value and we see their similarities but we values their uniqueness. Therefore we take the time to respect them for the individuals they are and make individual recommendations that will help them optimize their health.

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About Author: Dr. Adams

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