

Allow me to start our story by telling you who my wonderful staff and I are.  We are incredibly grateful to be able to do what we do and love doing it.  We have been very blessed to have so many people trust us with their health.  We are good at restoring their oral health, well being, and confidence regardless how they are when we initially see them.  More than ever before, many patients health issues are a mix of oral disease and disease in general.  In our practice, we like to address our patients’s total health.  We know gum disease, cavities, ect. affect cardiovascular disease, some cancers, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.  We know those diseases and medications effect gum disease and cavities. Therefore, doesn’t it make common sense that all your health care providers work together like a team, with the common goal for your optimal health?  In our practice, that is the key.  Each of you is a unique divine creation with different needs and situations.  To the best of our ability, we consider anything that affects your success.

My personal inclination is to treat disease as holistic and natural as possible.  We offer to you an agreement that you can have a healthy and beautiful smile that you can maintain and afford. When you release it is possible and commit yourself …it is just a matter of doing it.

Favorite Quote: “The significant problems we face in life cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were we created them.” “We do not seem to think more. We need to think differently.” Albert Einstein

I am interested in all “wellness” modalities.  Some have been around for thousands of years.  Others are more recent.  If it works I’m interested.  It is important in the moment of accomplishment “to stay in a perpetual state of gratitude and radical humility.”  When one studies past and present, the accomplishment of so many others who have paved the way for us, that is very easy.  Nevertheless, it is imperative for each of us to be responsible and accountable to the very current trends…Which are not good.   Obesity is pandemic. It is the single greatest threat to human beings in the world.  Unfortunately, we are leading in the world!   The real cause of obesity are known to the industries which profit but not only the common public.  It is not primarily excessive caloric intake…How about that?  It is not the lack of discipline…How about that?  And it is not the fault of your deceased fat ancestor…How about that?  Ask about my free community health seminars scheduled to learn more.  We are not winning the battle against obesity…We could.  Cardiovascular disease is way to common.  Cancer is every where. the life expectancy is decreasing. Our grandchildren are not expected to live as long as ourselves.  Diabetes is increasing 13.8% per year.  U.S. Life expectancy is something worse than 40th on the United Nations list of industrialized nations. The cost of diabetes on the current trend could bankrupt this country on its own in just a few years.

In our country, we do not experience so much life treating infections disease. We suffer and die from uncontrolled inflammatory disease.  As much as 70% of americans experience periodontal disease, much of it silently and diagnosed.  It is known to make worse heart disease and diabetes. arthritis, osteoporosis, some cancers are all Implicated in inflammatory disease.  Oral health is implicated in all of them. We must considered them all when see any inflammatory disease process.  That is why health care providers must communicate and coordinate collectively on your behalf to be effective.  It is more work than not doing so, but i think it is right.

Favorite Quote: “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water” Ben Franklin

Unfortunately health works that way.  My wonderful staff and I are dedicated to educating and helping people before their well is dry.  In the early 1980’s, insulin resistance was 10% in adult population.  Today it is 80%.   Insulin resistance increases as we are closer to a diagnosis of diabetes.  My passion is defeating diabetes and it’s effect on health in general as well as in the mouth.  Obesity leads to diabetes.  Help me turn the trend around so our grandchildren can have long healthy lives.

Favorite Quote: “The right to search for the truth implies also duty” My duty is to help you not to be a participant of bad trends. Please join us so we can help you and together help others.

Favorite Quote: “If you continue to do so the same thing, you can expect the same results.” Help us not experience the same dismal results.

Favorite Quote: “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.” Let’s have it all. Let’s have TOTAL HEALTH.

I hope you know how divine and blessed you truly are. Anthony J Adams DDS PA

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About Author: Dr. Adams

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